If You’re New- CLICK HERE!!!

Welcome to The Nikki Blog!!  This experience is going to be a blast but I wanted to fill you in on all the inside scoop on how things work around here so you’re up to speed with all the awesome-ness! Here’s your quick tutorial and yes! There will be a quiz at the end!

This blog is pretty cartoon heavy so first you’ll have to get to know the star,  Cartoon Nikki!

So she’ll carry you through most of it.

There are some other major characters that will join me from time to time.  The two trouble-makers are the biggest stars of this show….

The Captain is also known as my very Dutch Dad.  He is really a sailboat Captain and I grew up with his sarcastic-ness, his “work the kids ’till they drop” parenting style, and his sense of humor which is silly & 100% where I get my insane behavior from.

Beardsley is my Little Brother. He for some reason thought it was ok to grow a beard (which I hated) so I started calling him Beardsley Mc Bearderson in attempts to get him to shave it. It not only didn’t work but it just became this nickname he rolls with now along with his gross gross beard. We have a very special relationship in which we say terrible things to each other, glare the other one down, and then laugh hysterically.  So don’t be shocked by the things he does…it’s all because I’m his favorite sister. (Unless my sister is reading this…then…he probably..didn’t say that..)

The other members of my family aren’t usually animated because they don’t behave like cartoons! lol My lovely Mother who is not only gorgeous and talented but provided all the logical “normal”  parts of me and is my biggest fan.  And my amazing, hilarious sister Kate who is my best friend and knows me better than I even know myself!

OH- and my dog, Marbles!!

OK! That’s the rundown for the most part. The only OTHER thing you’ll need to know is about COMMENTING! Please comment on stuff- I LOVE IT! The very first time you do it I have to approve it. So if you don’t see it pop up right away- that’s ok! Once I click “approve” you’re in like sin and can comment as much as you want after that!

Time for the quiz….

Are you excited to read this blog several times a day without eating or sleeping?
Scroll down for the answer….

(This is the Jeopardy song- I can’t sing it to you over typing so we had to put in the notes…you get the point though lol)

Answer: YES!

Hopefully you passed! Enjoy the blog and thank you for reading!!



  1. LIKE.

  2. YOU, are a complete and total NUT!


  4. I think I’m gonna like you, you’re a SCREW BALL lol

  5. I think this is the funnist blog I’ve seen! I’d love to know how you did the cartoon..I am your new biggest fan, not to be confused with stalker…thanks , you rock, Nikki!

  6. LOL YAY!! Stalk away Barbara! 🙂 (and tell ALL your friends to stalk me too!…unless they’re creepy… heheh…) Thanks for reading!!


  7. Nikki, DM me on Twitter, info for faucet question. *shhhh*

  8. my baby likes Hummus!

  9. Nikki – Thx for the mention in your bloG – Awesome!

  10. You are just quirky enough for me to like!! This is GREAT!

  11. Love them. Very Cute

  12. I like your pics the you draw everyday

  13. just a follow

  14. Does Marbles ever get lost in Beardsley’s beard? D:

    • LOL!!! Ya know.. I’ve never tried to have Marbs crawl in the beard but…that gives me a great idea the next time I see my brother!! 🙂

      • My appologies to Marbs in advance. 😀

  15. Nikki, you rock & your very pretty!

    • Thank you Steven!! You rock too!

  16. You are definitely cut from the same cloth as me! LOL! And your artistic abilities are mind-blowing! hahahaha! Makes me want to add something cute like that to my blog, but I won’t bite off you…not my style 🙂 The “roid rage one ou posted today almost made me snort the apple I was chewing on thru my nose…ALMOST! Very glad it didn’t but still funny as hell! 😀

    • HA!! I’m glad you didn’t have to try and squeeze apple out of your nose, Molly! And thank you SO much for reading my blog!!! 🙂

  17. i love your blog..just start reading it… and now cant stop…and i thought i was awesome on paint..you are awesomer xD

    • Thank you Maria!!! 🙂 I’m so glad I sucked you in for life! lol

  18. Love the blog! Hysterical!

  19. omg, i just happened pon this and so glad I did, I now have xsomething to do at work during my downtime, lol….this is way funner than working, although I can multi-task so don’t be worried I’ll lose my job due to being unproductive.

    • LOL Welcome Stacie- you have about a year and a half of cartoons to browse instead of working- enjoy!! 🙂

  20. Funny way to introduce a blog to people. I normally read your blog daily. It’s the only thing that gets me through the really long med classes I take.

    • You’re so sweet- thank you Shawn!Good luck on finals! 🙂

  21. You know I luv ya girl! You’re always a riot!!

  22. well after tweeting with ya, following on radio now im goona do the blog. and by the way …..Now thats an Introduction….u r awesome.

    • SUHWEETT!! Welcome, Bobby and thanks for the follows through all my outlets- you rock!!

  23. I LOVE IT! lol Nikki I love listening to you on the radio and reading your blog. It always makes me smile!

  24. hello!! My name is Paulo from Brazil and I’m listening this radio for first time… congratulation you are so funny…rs

  25. I’ve listened to you for quite sometime now and never actually checked out the blog…well here I am 🙂

    • AWESOME!! Lol Thank you for coming to the dark side!

  26. Nikki I love your drawing

  27. You Rock! Can’t wait to read more:) You are cracking me up!

  28. Love it

  29. Love it

  30. Love you on the radio, and now in blog form! 🙂

  31. Gonna be interesting I’ve been listening to radio station on my phone and you advertise it on there. So thought I would check it out. But someone needs to listen to the OLD COMMERCIALS. ON the streaming station.

    • Lol thanks Kelly. I’ll check to see if those commercials are still paid for. 🙂

  32. Yes, just stared reading these 🙂

  33. New reader. Commenting now so later when I am in a hurry to comment on something I dont get discouraged by the approval process, (which I totally understand). Love animated Captain and Beardsley.

    • Welcome!!! 🙂 You’re approved and ready to comment away!

  34. I had to comment on the awesomeness that is thenikkiblog! Nice work!

  35. Hi Nikki, I have listen to you on the morning show and you sound ( HOT! ) and now that I have seen your blog and laugh- you are silly HOT ( LOL )

  36. just when I thought safe to swim in deep end of the gene pool …

  37. Well, YES !!!!

  38. love ur photos!

  39. I want to be in your family. It’s the fun one and so are you!

  40. I love you!!

  41. Your very funny keep it up lol !! ; )

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